Monday, August 11, 2008

Tinkle Tinkle Little Star

First, you should know that Mylee's version of "twinkle little star", goes "tinkle tinkle little star" (the same way "ring around the rosey" goes like this... "asses asses we all fall down.")


The other day we were getting ready for a bath and I told Mylee that if she tinkled in the potty I'd give here a treat. She didn't want to get on the potty and I didn't think much of it. I only realized that she was standing there singing her version of "twinkle little star" after she finished and said "where treat?"


Circe said...

That is so funny! Probably most of what we sy to kids makes absolutely no sense!

Melissa: said...

Ha Ha, I laughed aloud...You could say it was a full on chortle.

Cute Mylie.

Phillip and Mary said...

That is hilarious. Elijah had a phase where he didn't quite pronouce "truck" accurately...and he talks loud!

Chan N Lan said...

I know that you told us this earlier, but it's hilarious to read it now! She's a cutie!