I'm sorry that I haven't posted in so long. I wish there were a ton of information to keep everyone up to date on - but we really don't know much more than what I've already posted. I'm at 33 weeks now, so at least we're getting closer to getting this little boy here. We still haven't picked a name - feel free to give us suggestions because we could use some new ideas!
We still haven't found a doctor to look at the whole situation, and it's not looking like we will. Right now it appears that we just wait until the baby comes and trust that somebody will know what to do (yes, that is the part that keeps me up at night...)
The tumor is still growing. When we found it the
circumference was around 6.58cm (24 weeks) and it is now 10.33 cm (32 weeks). The good news is that the baby has also doubled in size - so it is growing relative to him so far.
We've found another diagnosis that the tumor sort of fits into - in layman's terms it could be a third lung (non functioning lung tissue). It would still require the major surgery, but that would be it (no life long follow-up.) They won't be able to let us know until after they get to run tests on the baby, but we are sure hoping they are wrong about the
Thanks to all for the thoughts and prayers - we feel the added strength.