Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Well things have taken a turn for the worse here in the Lomax household. It turns out that the ultrasound we had last week didn't go well at all (I guess ultrasound tecs take classes in acting, either that or ours just has a gift for it. )

We met with a specialist early this morning and our little guy has a pretty significant tumor in his abdomen. We are asking those who love us (or just like us, or just feel sorry for us :)) to include our baby in their prayers and upcoming fast (if applicable.)

The details:

We do not know what it is yet. It is a very dense (shows up the same color as the bones, not the organs) large mass (about an inch in diameter - he is only about 12 inches from head to toe), it is located on top of the left kidney and below his adrenal gland.) If it is attached to his kidney it is likely non-cancerous, if it attached to his adrenal glad it is likely cancerous. The doctor's best guess is that it is attached to the kidney because there doesn't appear to be blood flow to it or pockets of fluid in it. There are no signs that it is impeding the baby's development at this point - he's doing great on all other measurements.

Where we go from here:

We will have an MRI as soon as possible to try to get more information. Mostly we will just "wait, watch, and worry" as the specialist put it. We'll be having a ton of doctors appointments until the baby comes to try to get an accurate diagnosis.

Likely outcome:

If the baby starts to have trouble we could be looking at an early delivery. If he is doing well they'll have us go full-term. Either way we'll probably deliver at the UofU and the baby will immediately go to Primary Children's for surgery/biopsy. These type of tumors are rare but have a good prognosis. The specialist is "cautiously optimistic" and wants us to be the same. One of the first things he said to us was "I think your baby is going to be alright." He basically said that this is serious and must be dealt with, but when it is over the baby should be perfectly fine and normal for the rest of his life.

How we are feeling:

Well you can imagine how difficult this is for us. However we are being blessed with peace (enough to out way our panic 94.7% of the time). We feel very certain that their are miracles available to us, and that through our faith and the faith of others that our family will be blessed. We too think that "our baby is going to be alright" it is just a matter of how difficult the road will be for us and our baby before we get there.

I hope you don't mind the complete spillage of info and guts, but I figure it will be easier if people just know the details from the source from the start.

Thank you for your love and support. Please pray for my baby, Melinda


Amanda said...

Of course we'll pray for your baby! How scary! Please, please, please let us help in anyway!

Melissa: said...

Melinda, I'm so sorry! You will most definitely be in our prayers. I hope you will call if you need anything at all!

Circe said...

Of course we'll keep in in our prayers. It's so scary to deal with the unknown. Please call me when you don't want to think about dinner or if Milee can come over and play. Emotional challenges are time consuming. We love you!

Heidi said...

Melinda, our thoughts and prayers are with you and your baby. Please let us know if we can do anything for you, Mike or Milee! We love you!

Chan N Lan said...

Sweetie! I'm am so sorry! Just remember that we are always here for you and your family! We love you so much and we will definitely keep you and your baby in our prayers! Please, let us know if we can do anything for you. We love you!

Phillip and Mary said...

Love you all. We'll pray for you too.

Jennifer said...

We love you. I can feel of your strength already, and I know you'll gain more. But that doesn't mean you're in this alone. Please let me steal Mylee away sometime. It would make my day.

I will fast for you and your baby.

Linn said...

Melinda, I am crying after reading this post. I am so sorry and please know we will be fasting and praying for you, your sweet family and that darling baby boy.

Tatum Wheeler said...

We are praying for you and want you to know we are here to help with Mylee during your many upcoming doctor visits. Just let me know

kimbob said...

Oh my dear friend! I wish I lived closer so I could help out but please know that you, your baby and family will be in our prayers and most definately will fast for you. Look forward to updated. Be at peace and I love you my friend!!!!

Emily said...

Our thoughts and prayers are with you guys!!
Please let us know if you need anything...

JenLish said...

Melinda, I'll be thinking of you and of course praying with everyone else. You will make it through this, I have already seen your strength in other trials!!!