Monday, July 28, 2008

Yucky Charms

Well, it is definitely Monday! (Heck, I'm already blogging instead of doing work and Mylee is already stationed on my lap at the computer instead of playing... and it is only 8:12 am! Help!)

After Mylee's customary first words of every morning, "where Dad?" and "want Yucky Charms", we started getting breakfast out. Lucky Charms (Mylee can't say her L's) for her and Raisin Bran for me. She started up a fuss because she wanted both cereals, so... I mixed them for her. But, then there wasn't enough Raisin Bran left for me so I got out some Shredded Wheat... and sure enough Mylee begged until I added some to her concoction. I cut up some apricots for my cereal and obviously she needed some too. So, we FINALLY sit down to eat and she tries it and says "I don't yike it, want yucky charms." It's going to be one of those days!

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