Thursday, September 25, 2008

"Front Seat, No Battle!"

Today I was randomly thinking about some of the things that are different now than they were when I was growing up. My sisters and I used to always race to be the one to get to ride in the front seat of the car with my mom. For some reason you could be the first one to say the words "front seat, no battle" and you had sealed the deal - unless someone was already sitting there and didn't hear you say it.

Now days you have to be practically all grown up to sit in the front seat. So now mom's drive around with every seat filled except for the one next to them. Maybe there is less fighting now (unless it is about what movie you watch), but I bet it takes longer to get the kids in the car because they aren't racing to get to the front seat.


Anonymous said...

That's funny, I totally remember doing that too. It kind of makes us moms feel like taxi drivers. I also wonder sometimes if people think I'm talking to myself when I'm talking to my kids in the back. Oh well, I don't mind looking a little crazy :)

The Johnson Crew said...

Hi Melinda,
My sisters and I did the exactly thing. Although we called it Shotgun. My boys actually fight over what car seat they are going to sit in.
So how exciting you have a blog. It's so nice that you can keep in touch so easily now.
Take Care! Brandi