Saturday, May 16, 2009

So blessed!

We got the results back from the big scan we did on Thursday, and it is more good news!

The cancer has not spread to any additional parts of his body, and they think the tumor has reached maturity (I'm not sure what that means, but the doctor said that it is good.) They are fully expecting the tumor to disolve on its own. But, they'll watch closely to make sure.

I feel VERY confident with the people we're working with. The plan we'll be following is part of a study from the national cancer society, and from all I can find on the Internet it is the best and most up to date approach.

We are now officially down to one or two doctors appointments a week now, and we're so excited about that! I'm still not getting any sleep, and Mylee is stressed beyond words about all this change - but we couldn't be happier with how this has all gone.

It is a sobering thing to spend time at Primary Children's Hospital. We all have things to be thankful for, but if our children our healthy we have EVERYTHING to be thankful for. There are few blessing more amazing then the health of our loved ones.

Thanks for the love and support! Your prayers have been heard!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

He's Home!

We've got him home! They released us from the hospital at around 5:00 last night. We're all so tired (he was up almost every hour last night), but so happy to be at this point.

We had to be at the doctor's office at 8:45 this morning, and we have two appointments tomorrow (one at McKay Dee and one at Primary's.) Thursday we have a test at Primary's that will take all day (he can't eat for 6 hours before the test and will have to be intibated for it.) Mike goes back to work Friday morning. Yes, I'm overwhelmed and did I mention tired?!?

I guess the gist of this info is to let you know WE STILL NEED YOUR PRAYERS! We know your prayers are the reason we've made it this far and have been SO blessed.

We feel like the most blessed people on earth right now. Zachary is so cute and sweet, and we have had countless miracles - both big and small. Thank you all for your love and support. We'll post pictures soon....

Thank you, thank you, thank you for your prayers and love! Thank you.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Mel's Home!

Hi all! I'm home - but so exhausted - so I'll make this short and write more later. Official diagnosis is a neuroblastoma, but blessedly it fits into the "watch and observe category." All signs are good that it will go away on its own within the 90 week observation time, if it grows/acts up/or doesn't go away within that time frame they will operate. But, if it behaves and goes away, than no further action need be taken.

We have a few years of worry ahead of us, but we are so so so filled with hope that he'll be fine. And we are super excited that he likely won't need to have surgery.

He will likely come home next week - he's got some little issues to still work out (like that he still hasn't eaten food and isn't urinating often enough and has jaundice....)

Thanks for all your prayers and thoughts and help. We'll keep you updated.

Friday, May 8, 2009


Both Mother and Baby are doing GREAT!
Melinda says she feels great and that they will have more news after they get test results tomorrow.

He is going to get to try to eat tonight which Melinda is very excited about. Right now he is being fed by IV. We are so excited to have him here but continue to ask for your thoughts and prayers.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

He is here

Zachary Michael Lomax
Born 3:12 Am May 6th
6 lbs 8 oz 20 inches long
Mother and Baby doing great. He pulled an impressive apgar score of 9 out of 10
More updates and pictures to come:)
Last night at 11:00 Mike and Mel made an early apperance at the hospital. A short 4 hours Later Zachary was here. He is currently at primary's with Mike and will soon meet his proud older sister Mylee.